Otherwise know as, gee thanks Jesus, I needed conviction for breakfast this morning.
This morning I read the story of the blind man in John 9; the one where, on the Sabbath, Jesus made mud with his spit and slapped on the guy's face, then told him to go wash it off. (Kinda gives new meaning to, eh, throw some dirt on it, you'll be fine). After this happens, the man's neighbors go and turn him into the Pharisees (thanks ya'll, I mean really...). And of course the Pharisees want to know what happened, they drag the guys parents in to verify that their child was, in fact, blind at birth. The parents answer yes, but they're so afraid of being kicked out of the synagogue they kind of throw their hands up and say, 'hey don't question us, ask our son, he's old enough to speak for himself.'
Don't we still do that to this day? Believers, all of us, have at one point or another said, 'not me, not me, ask this person, they know!' Think about it, we (myself very much included) are so afraid of rocking the boat sometimes that we miss out on the fact that Jesus just opened the eyes of our son, metaphorically speaking.
Right now in our home we are fixing to begin planning for our new homeschool year and trying to decide whether or not to go in a new direction as far as our curriculum. It's different from the mainly traditional stuff we have been doing, but it could be great. It has the potential to force us out of our box. I know this is probably insignificant in the grand scheme of things but it could be great.
But it's different, in the same way Jesus is different. And when the parents were paralyzed with fear, the son that had been blind answered the Pharisees, "Whether He is a sinner, I do not know; one thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." (John 9:25) Then, after he was booted out of the synagogue, Jesus found him, don't miss that-Jesus found him, and asked if he believed in the Son of Man. The blind man, that could now see said "Lord, I believe.' And he worshipped Him." v.35
Lord, I believe
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