Monday, August 8, 2016

So...contentment and entitlement

Yesterday at church the message Pastor gave was about avoiding entitlement and it hit home for me, literally.  Now, I don't walk around expecting things to be handed to me and one of the bests things my parents taught me was the value of a hard day's work.  But....what about expecting that hard day's work to give you the things you feel you deserve?

What about doing and saying all the right things and throwing an adult version of a hissy-fit because things don't work out the way you want?  And what about being willing to work but not the work that's been put in front of you?  Not that we would admit it of course.

Our toddler can destroy our home in 3.7 seconds flat
This, this is my apartment's living room/dining room.  It's small, it has fire ants, it has mold, heck, I think it needs to be completely gutted and fumigated.  I don't like it.  You feelin' me?

My flesh wants to barely sustain the home atmosphere here and wait for the day when we have a house, then I'll work at making home.  My flesh wants to sit around in the 108 heat index and complain about how the a/c in this apartment makes it too hard to get any work done.  My flesh, my flesh, me, me, me.

But sitting in that seat yesterday I felt God once again telling me what He's been telling me for a while now.  Make a home in the place that I, the Almighty God, the One you say you serve, have put you.  Be content in where I have put you.  Have you any right to be angry with the things I have given you?  My ways are not your ways; work where I have put you child. flesh doesn't want to listen.  My flesh wants to rebel.  Thank God I serve a God that is bigger and more powerful than my flesh.

I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.
Philippians 4:13

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