Friday, July 22, 2016

Upside down thistles

So I had a post all lined out in my head about how horrible yesterday was and how God will be glorified in the horrible days and how being a mom in the midst of the mundane everyday is hard work.

Then I did the Bible study homework for a great group of women I meet with once a month and it was on pride.  Yep

It puts thing in perspective to read that, not only exalting yourself in the good is pride, but holding onto the bad is also pride.  How do you write about that?  How to say, yesterday, quite frankly, sucked but God's going to make it all better.  My spirit is still weary and if I hear one more time that God never said it was going to be easy, just that He would be there, I might scream.  I kid you not.

Upside down milk thistle, because I edited it on my computer to flip it, but it uploaded in it's original form.
Isn't that kinda the theme here? :-)

Sometimes I wish God didn't want to grow my character quite so much.

I love the Lord my God with all my heart, but sometimes I get angry with Him.  Can't it just be easy for a little while?  Instead of teaching me contentment, can't I just be content?  Why do I have to train and correct my children every. single. day.  I did all I'm "supposed" to do, why do things keep happening???

But beloved, that is pride.  I wish I had more answers than that, but I don't.  And even when I know the answers, God gave us a whole book of them, I don't want to hear it.  That too, is pride.

God gives grace to the humble, to the contrite, so, for now, I will hold onto that.  God works all things for good for those who love Him.

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