Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The little things

My little love bug has a stuffy nose.  While extremely irritating a stuffy nose is not that big of a deal, but when you're a week shy of four months it's huge.  After her Daddy and I alternated between holding her down and picking the boogies out, we had a restless night and a rough start to the day.

The point of this little story is that sometimes circumstances beyond our control come up and they aren't necessarily that big of a deal, but they keep us up at night and drag us down in the morning.  I can't count the number of times I've laid awake at night worrying about the things I wanted to accomplish only to be so tired the next day I either didn't get as much done, or I was a bit snappy with the kids while pushing through to get my to do list done- or both.  So what is to be done?

Pray, pray a lot.  Pray with your kids, it's good for them to see you struggle and turn to the Lord.  Read the Word, reread the same verse if you're so tired you can't help it, but read it anyway.  Adjust your expectations.  Ever notice when God's trying to tell you something you hear the same message over and over and from random places?  Yeah, that's been mine...

While it's easier said than done (sooo much easier said than done) let me encourage you to take a deep breath and talk to the Father about it.  Then go laugh with your kids, it's good medicine.
         "Let all who seek God's help be encouraged." Psalm 69:32b

Over the past couple years I have drawn a lot of inspiration and encouragement from God's Word and some really great writers.  I put a widget (I think it's called) on the side called 'blogs I dig' that I will add to so anyone who needs more encouragement (or just more reading material) can easily find it.

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